Monday, March 28, 2011

American IPA 2011 v2.0

I blogged earlier about 2011 being the Year of the IPA for me. Basic plan is to brew 4 IPAs in 2011 and change the recipe sligtly based on feedback from the local homebrew competitions I enter (there are 4 major ones). My American IPA 2011 v1.0 did pretty well at this years War of the Worts homebrew competition, placing 2nd out of 54 entries. I got some useful feedback (probalby got more from my friends, but oh well). Decided that maybe a touch more maltiness, an increase in bitterness and a touch more aroma hops might do the trick. This time around I switched the bittering hops from Citra to Warrior pushing the IBUs to 105. I also threw in a lb of Melanoidin malt which might help add a little malt flavor and body. Tossed in an extra ounce of Citra into the dry hop as well. All minor changes, so I guess we will see how it turns out. ,

Here is the recipe as it stands. I plan to brew this Sunday, April 3rd so if you read this and are interested in stopping by just contact me. 10 Gallon Batch
60 Minute Boil Based on 80% Mash Efficiency

14 lbs of American 2 Row
5 lbs of Maris Otter
2 lbs of Crystal 20
1.5 lbs of Carapils
1 lb of Melanoidin

3 oz of Warrior (15.8% AA) for 60 Minutes
1 oz of Centennial (13.4% AA) for 30 Minutes
1 oz of Amarillo (10.7% AA) and Citra (13.4% AA) for 10 Minutes
1 oz of Amarillo and Citra for 5 Minutes
1 oz of Amarillo and Citra at KO

2 oz of Amarillo and 3 oz of Citra Dry Hop for 12 days
1 oz of Amarillo and Citra Dry Hop for 5 days

Wyeast 1056 American Ale – 2 packs with large starter

Pre-Boil Gravity = 1.057
OG = 1.069
FG = 1.010
ABV = 7.9 %
IBU = 105

7.5 gallons @ 152 for 60 minutes

Fly sparge with 9.5 gallons of water

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